Ministerial Acts of Worship
We are so excited that you have chosen to be ordained into the ministry of The Church of Fabulosity. As an ordained minister in The Church of Fabulosity you will be legally able to perform ministerial services such as weddings, funerals and other ministerial services. And eventually if you feel the call, can start your own church.
You are committing to abiding by the tenets of the church. As a minister of The Church of Fabulosity you are in charge of your own ministry and are responsible for understanding and abiding by the laws within the states and communities in which you choose to perform your ministerial services. Each state and community has their own laws in which they guide ministers and their services. If you are requested to provide a letter of good standing to prove your ordination as a minister please fill out our contact us form. Currently we are only able to provide ordinations in the United State of America and its territories.
To become ordained you just need to fill out the form below. Soon after, you will then receive an email with a digital copy of your Ministry Certificate. Please be patient as we are doing this manually and will try to get these out to you as quickly as possible.
Ordination Registration Form
Ordination Registration Form
Please note: this link will take you to a Google form.